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Lloyds Bank

Business Requirements

Lloyds have been constantly improving and upgrading their branches throughout the last few years, with a focus on improving access into their branches and better visibility without compromising on security.

Our Role

Along with Styles and Wood and Wates Construction we have been involved in numerous projects over the last two decades. Surveying each site and establishing the most effective way of egress. Each entrance was bespoke – Automatic sliding doors, Automatic swing doors and Aluminium glazed shopfronts were fabricated and installed. All hours of the day and night were executed to enable completion on time and with minimum disruption to the customers. Different sizes of aluminium profiles – slim and standard were used along with bespoke glazed systems.

The Conclusion

Improved branch environment which is more accessible to all customers. A more productive use of space within the branch and better visibility from the increased amount of glass within the shopfront has been achieved to compliment the Lloyds Bank image.

Ready to Talk Doors?

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