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Hope House Farm Barns, Worcestershire

Business Need

Replacement aluminium doors were needed to improve light and security at this rural storage unit.

Our Role

We removed the old entrance and fitted a new manual swing door entrance with glazed side panel, widening the overall opening width in the process. By fitting high quality haps hinges to allow the doors to open back as far as possible, this increased the opening access to get large items in and out of storage. The new design also omitted the vertical mullions to allow as much light as possible to enter when the doors are closed. Obscure glazing and a maximum security deadlock increased security and completed the new entrance

The Outcome

The clients are very pleased with the entrance upgrade which has met all expectations improving access with large items, improving light levels inside and security. ‘A worthwhile investment for new aluminium doors which will last for many years to come’.


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    Buying Automatic Doors



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