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Great Witley Surgery

Business Need

As with many Doctors Surgeries and Health Centres the access for people with disabilities and parents with pushchairs is paramount. Great Witley identified this as a problem and improving access was a priority.

Our Role

Automatic Sliding Doors to form a lobby were the preferred option on this project, to allow the most effective way of egress at this established doctor’s surgery. A survey was actioned by N G Automatics Ltd, followed by a quick, efficient production period which concluded with one of our long standing installation teams who with great care installed two automatic single sliding entrance doors over a period of a couple of days. Full activation sensors to the external automatic sliding door and activation radio transmitted push buttons to the internal automatic sliding doors were provided together with complete and full safety to finish off the installation for peace of mind.

The Outcome

Following the completion of the project the patients and staff experience an environment which had easier accessibility, improved visibility with upgraded security.

Ready to Talk Doors?

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    Buying Automatic Doors



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