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Church Stretton Medical Centre

Business Need

Church Stretton Medical Centre was already on the way to improving its frontage by converting an existing heavy wooden door to improve access but it was still clear the existing door didn’t enable a bright, patient, friendly environment and along with out of hourr access problems, this was quickly identified and action was taken.

Our Role

N G Automatics Ltd was asked to provide the best option, establishing the most effective way of egress and better visibility. Space in many places can be a problem as many businesses are housed within old existing buildings or listed/heritage. Church Stretton Medical centre had a challenging entrance space but by attending site, observing how patients used the doors, a pattern soon emerged enabling us develop a suitable solution to make the environment workable for patients and staff. The internal entrance door was removed completely along with the old external wooden doors. New aluminium glazed security doors were installed, enabling greater visibility and improved light. Safety and activation devises were changed leaving a quality and customer friendly site both day and night.

The Outcome

Speaking to senior staff the project provided a better all-round experience for the patients. After hours access was solved along with security for the early morning appointments. They have been very pleased since the automatic entrance swing doors were completed, commenting that “the automatic swing doors are very robust and reliable”.

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