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Hollyfast Primary School

Business Need

Hollyfast Primary is a popular school built in the 1950s with a capacity for 630 pupils, due to the local authority’s school expansion programme, improvements were raised to access different areas of the school and to ensure the highest of security at the same time.

Our Role

Over a continued period of time we were asked to attend the school with the senior staff and help propose some effective designs to improve the access of the school but ensuring the security at all times. Within our expertise we were able to establish with each entrance the most effective functional proposal. Identifying the weaknesses and strengths of each area and working together with the school we designed the most suitable entrances for each door opening. Automatic sliding door packages and automatic swing door packages were measured, fabricated and installed. Using mainly standard aluminium profiles, double glazing, activation/safety and access control systems we created bespoke doors to each entrance.

The Outcome

Hollyfast School showcased their school to be a leader in their industry, following the completion of all the new automatic door entrances, they have a school with modern functional entrances, easy accessibility and upgraded security which fitted the brief perfectly.

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